Friday, July 17, 2009


Jake playing with Emily's doll stroller, boy style!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kindergarten...Bonus Footage!!

Sorry for the shakey camera... you can hear it better if you turn off the music that automatically plays on the blog at the bottom of the screen.

Kindergarten, Then and Now

This was Alex's 1st day of Kindergarten....

And here she is on her last day. What a year, how she has grown, learned to read, write and discovered her love for math. I'm going to miss how much fun this year was for her, and also for me as I worked in her class on Tuesdays and got to be there and experience it through her eyes. This is her teacher Mrs. Muha, I can never thank her enough for making this such a great year!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake and Emily!

My twins are 3. How did that happen? Didn't I just break the news to Gerrit that yes indeed we are having twins? Wasn't that just yesterday? Wow, time is flying by so fast it's making me dizzy. I want just one more year of the 2's, one more year to be able to carry them, one more year to be the only one that really understands what they are saying. I won't be sad to see the last 'pull-up' in the trash, but I am sad that they are not babies anymore, and barely toddlers at that.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Yes, I'm old school, dress the kids in their Easter best...

NOT So Darling...

Sometimes my kids are NOT darling little ones, in fact I would say most of the time they seem to be quite the opposite. The twins in particular, seem to have the knack to sneak off at the exact time that I am, loading the dishwasher, loading the washing machine, mopping or vacuuming, etc.. Generally, anytime that I take my eyes off of them for a full five minutes. They love their new found games of fun, like, writing on the walls and floors with markers and crayons, finding my purse and destroying ALL of my make-up and covering their walls and beds with my lipstick, (not to mention the still missing lip pencil that they have cleverly hid for another days wall art). This morning they decided what fun it would be to fill Daddy's Ugg boots with toothpaste and hair gel.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Bonnet

If I got to pick moments to freeze, several would be the days I pick Alex up from Kindergarten and she walks out, beaming with pride, wearing some type of hand crafted (by her) paper garment, (hat, mask, apron, etc). Someday she'll think she's "way too cool" for this, so I have learned that I really need to slow down and cherish these moments, because this age will be gone in a blink of an eye.

Friday, April 3, 2009

She's growing up...

Alex has been begging to get her ears pierced for about a year. I waited to see if it was just a passing phase. She usually asks for something, then begs for it, then forgets about it a day later. Not this time. I finally caved and took her down to the mall to do it. I thought if she watched a couple of kids in line before her, have them done, she just might chicken out. Nope. She jumped up on the chair and went for it!

I have never seen such a proud look on her face when she walked out with her ears sparkling, her smile stretched from ear to ear...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Then and Now Thursday



Where did the time go?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Remember When....

My beauty Alexandra at about 6 months old. It was about this time that she got signed to a modeling contract for Ford Models, for which she appeared in ads for Old Navy, Osh Kosh, Carters, Kohls and Self magazine. We have taken her out of modeling for the time being to have her put all of her energy into Kindergarten!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Dog Party

This week was full, very full. Our washing machine died, our stove broke, our backdoor screens tore, but there was a highlight...a birthday party to attend. Not just a regular old birthday party, but my sister-in-laws dog Bud's 15th birthday. Yes, even my dog is getting party invites now. There were games like wrap up your dog in toilet paper and musical chairs with the dogs having to sit, etc. There was also a pinata, shaped like a dog bone, that was filled with dog bones. You can imagine the horror on the kids faces when they broke it and only dog treats flew out. Not to mention the goodie bags at the end of the party, filled with, yes, you guessed it, dog treats for the dogs. The only really happy camper was our dog Max, who by the way was, of course, the worst behaved dog there and had to be tied to a tree for most of the party! His only saving grace was that he did look absolutely adorable with his birthday hat, as seen in the pic above, which to my surprise he left on almost the whole time!

Friday, March 13, 2009