Monday, March 23, 2009

The Dog Party

This week was full, very full. Our washing machine died, our stove broke, our backdoor screens tore, but there was a highlight...a birthday party to attend. Not just a regular old birthday party, but my sister-in-laws dog Bud's 15th birthday. Yes, even my dog is getting party invites now. There were games like wrap up your dog in toilet paper and musical chairs with the dogs having to sit, etc. There was also a pinata, shaped like a dog bone, that was filled with dog bones. You can imagine the horror on the kids faces when they broke it and only dog treats flew out. Not to mention the goodie bags at the end of the party, filled with, yes, you guessed it, dog treats for the dogs. The only really happy camper was our dog Max, who by the way was, of course, the worst behaved dog there and had to be tied to a tree for most of the party! His only saving grace was that he did look absolutely adorable with his birthday hat, as seen in the pic above, which to my surprise he left on almost the whole time!

1 comment:

Momlissa said...

How adorable!!

It is eerie how similar our lives are in so many ways. I'm glad you found my blog and I look forward to following your journey. :)