Friday, April 3, 2009

She's growing up...

Alex has been begging to get her ears pierced for about a year. I waited to see if it was just a passing phase. She usually asks for something, then begs for it, then forgets about it a day later. Not this time. I finally caved and took her down to the mall to do it. I thought if she watched a couple of kids in line before her, have them done, she just might chicken out. Nope. She jumped up on the chair and went for it!

I have never seen such a proud look on her face when she walked out with her ears sparkling, her smile stretched from ear to ear...

1 comment:

kjbutton said...

Too cute, Jordan was about 6 when she wanted to get her ears pierced. She too was determined and it did not scare her. I had my second holes done at the same time.